Gaming Reviews

Rocksmith Rocks

Rocksmith Box Cover Art

To rock or not to rock? That is the question. Guitar Hero has for years now been a great staple of an amazing party game. If you haven’t played it you have probably heard of at least one or two people that have.

And it is now my pleasure to introduce you to…


Rocksmith is the game that takes things to the next level, that is of actually using a real guitar to play the songs that you know and love. The game comes with lists and lessons on everything about guitars and how to hold them, play the magical notes that really bring music to life.

With all of these musical styles of games though what really matters as well is the style of music that you like to play. From a focus on lead guitar to shred it out to the more subdued tones of the bass guitar. Rocksmith features lessons for both styles of play for you to master. Some of the other features of being able to start your own jam session with the use of prepared drums and other band instruments.

Between learning the songs that you love and the ability to truly master the guitar to be rock star at a party of your own. Rocksmith is a game that is truly worth the price of the ticket.

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